
The config.mobl configuration file located in the root of your project starts with "configuration" followed by:

  • title "mymobltitle" project title
  • stdlib "/path/to/mobl-lib" path to standard library
  • lib /path/to/lib/dir adds a directory to the search path for modules
  • output "www" the directory to generate regular (non-optimized) output files
  • release output "www.release" the directory to generate optimized output files to
  • database "mydb" the name of the database used locally to store data (defaults to the application name)
  • offline generates a HTML5 Application Cache manifest (experimental)
  • version "1.0" specifies the version of your application
  • resource /path/to/resource/file specifies a resource to be included (used for icons, language packages and such)
  • icon /path/to/icon.png specifies an (128x128 pixels) icon to use for the application - is currently only used for the generated Chrome WebApp manifest; be sure to also add the icon as a resource


  • native{} in this section you can specify the options for using Phonegap cloud service.
  • username "[email protected]" the username of the Phonegap cloud service.
  • password "password" the password of the Phonegap cloud service.
  • platforms android, blackberry, symbian, webos, ios a comma seperated file of the platform which needed to be build.


title "mymobltitle"
native {
    username "[email protected]"
    password "password"
    platforms android, blackberry, symbian, webos, ios


Start ::= "configuration" Setting*
Setting ::= "title" STRING
          | "database" STRING
          | "icon" Path
          | "version" STRING
          | "stdlib" Path
          | "lib" Path 
          | "html" FILENAME
          | "output" STRING
          | "release" "output" STRING
          | "offline"
          | "debug"
          | "native {" NativeSetting* "}"
NativeSetting ::= "username" STRING
                | "password" STRING
                | "platforms" PLATFORM 
Path :=  {FILENAME "/"}+
      |  "/" {FILENAME "/"}+
      | STRING
config.mobl.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/01 02:28 (external edit)